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2024 Themes and Trends in AI

Unlocking AI’s Next Frontier: Hardware, Generative Models, Data tools, Modular Integration, risk Mitigation, and beyond.

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This episode dives deep into the themes and trends of AI in 2024, emphasizing the democratization of AI hardware, advancements in generative AI models, and the integration of AI into various enterprise processes. We highlight the shift towards making AI technologies more accessible and efficient, with a particular focus on improvements for AI model training and inference, and the evolution of AI tools designed to streamline enterprise AI adoption.

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Other topics covered include data tools for generative AI models, deploying models to edge devices, mixture of experts architectures for prompting models, supervised fine-tuning of models with services like Anyscale, using an “annotator” model for interactive learning, AI integration and modularity, industry-specific AI applications, generative audio models like real-time speech synthesis from Meaning, and the emerging need for quality control, testing, and risk mitigation tools and frameworks for AI systems. Overall, the talk covers a range of trends and developments to keep an eye on as generative AI capabilities continue to advance in 2024.

video version of this conversation is available on our YouTube channel

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Key sections from the video version:

  1. Broadening of hardware options for generative AI
  2. Developer Tools and Infrastructure for AI
  3. Data tools for Generative AI
  4. Generative AI on the Edge
  5. Mixture of experts to AutoML 2.0
  6. Supervised Fine tuning, RLHF, OAIF
  7. Industry-Specific Generative AI Application
  8. Generative AI for Audio
  9. AI Quality control and Risk Mitigation

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