Generative AI in the Industrial Sphere

Chetan Gupta provides an Industrial AI perspective to Generative AI.

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Chetan Gupta is the Head of AI Research at Hitachi. This episode explores the applications and challenges of generative AI in industrial settings. It covers an introduction to industrial AI and its unique challenges like high stakes consequences, data scarcity, and the need for explainability. Potential use cases for generative AI in industries are discussed, including software development, customer support, knowledge management, and process transformation. Key challenges highlighted are reliability, security, cost optimization, and handling task complexity.

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The discussion delves into utilizing open-source foundation models, domain adaptation, and developing specialized models for different data modalities like acoustic and time series data. Synthetic data generation using generative AI to train models in data-scarce scenarios is explored. The role of structured data, metadata, and knowledge graphs like fault tree diagrams in reducing hallucinations and improving reliability is examined. Responsible AI practices, with a focus on reliability and trustworthiness, are emphasized. Future opportunities discussed include continuous learning from sensor data, end-to-end optimization using agents, and multimodal AI integrating generative models with simulation and symbolic methods.

Interview highlights – key sections from the video version:


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